Why Vaccination Should Not Be Mandatory

Words: 487
Pages: 2

Vaccination is a substance that stimulates a production of antibodies and provides immunity against one or many diseases. They develop immunity by emitting an infection that does not cause an illness and our immune system will be immune when the actual disease occurs. No Vaccination is 100 percent perfect as well as any type of medicine isn’t 100 percent. Childhood vaccination produces about 90-99.9 percent immunity. Vaccination could last from years to even life, the duration of protection is uncertain. For example, Flu vaccine only last a year while the Hepatitis B vaccine last for life. I believe all Vaccination should not be mandatory for all Canadian children. Vaccination could be very helpful but have many downfalls. Three reasons why vaccinations should not be mandatory is …show more content…
Firstly, vaccinations contain harmful ingredients, which are very fatal to children. Physicians believe an organic mercury compound that is found in trace amounts in flu vaccination for children and other for adults. Formaldehyde was found in some vaccines that cause side effects such as cardiac impairment, central nervous system depression, coma and even death. Secondly, Vaccines are unnatural, and natural immunity is more effective than vaccinations. Pro-vaccine organization state natural vaccination cause better immunity. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia states, “It is true that natural infections almost always causes better immunity than vaccines. Whereas immunity from disease often follows a single natural infection, immunity from