Mandatory Vaccinations

Words: 1503
Pages: 7

Jovie Simpkins Rogers English 215 9 April 2024.

Are mandatory vaccinations necessary for the well-being of society? Do compulsory vaccinations infringe upon personal liberty and freedom? Is there an alternative to mandatory vaccinations that would keep the public healthy while still giving people the freedom they have been promised? These questions can be answered simply: Yes, people should have the freedom to make choices about their health, but it’s important to balance this freedom while keeping general public health a concern. Vaccinations are an extremely important asset for keeping the public healthy and preventing diseases from being spread throughout the community to both low and high-risk individuals. By diving deeper into the topic
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However, it’s important to also take into consideration another important factor while deciding whether or not to make vaccination mandatory: people should have the right to make decisions about their healthcare and some people might see that mandatory vaccination “infringes on [their] individual liberty” (Wheeler 854). This becomes a big problem when facing the reality of mandatory vaccination because there is no clear answer as to whether mandatory vaccination infringes upon individual rights or if it doesn’t. Mandating vaccination seems like the obvious choice due to the benefits it brings to the general public, but taking into account personal liberty changes the whole idea of compulsory vaccination. There are many additional reasons why mandatory vaccination is not the best option. Individuals may have health reasons for not receiving vaccinations, such as an allergy or other health risks. It’s important to note that “fear of harm from vaccines has been a significant reason stated by parents/guardians for refusing vaccinations for their children” (El Amin 10). At first, this fear that vaccines could cause children harm may seem irrational, but it’s important to take into consideration that parents have