Many of the grocery stores are neighborhood stores. The residents of the community travel in their own vehicles. If they do not have their own personal vehicle, there is a public transportation service. Broward County transportation is the public transportation for this community. The majority of the community appeared to be accessible by public transportation. However, there is a transportation service through Broward County that picks up and drops off the members of Noble A. McArtor. The conditions of the streets are poor. There are a lot of potholes and uneven roads. The major highways near the community are Interstate 95, US 1, Highway 84, and Highway …show more content…
The paper has summarized the essential necessities for a successful windshield survey. The survey has helped in the assessment of the community and its health. The focus of community nursing is the community, it is directed towards all age-groups and commands equal healthcare (Harkness & DeMarco, 2012). Based on interviewing the members of Noble A. McArtor, a need for this community is adequate care for the elderly. The majority age group is 50 and up. A beneficial program that could be started is a community based geriatric-health care program. The program can help improve the health knowledge of the elderly and advocating for more geriatric friendly construction—roads, houses, and staircases. The provision of a geriatric-health care program will come with challenges however; the community is in need of such