World Art Ch. I Essay

Submitted By chchoitoi
Words: 944
Pages: 4 1. Ancient Euro-Eastern Civilization
Ancient Mesopotamia
Ancient Cradle of Civilization-between Typhus and Euphrates River=Fertile Crescent (Fertile soil brings civilizations together)

* Sumeria- That’s where is all begins (in UR)

* Cuneiforms: pictographic message in symbolic form. Earliest documented cuneiform in history. Ancient Sumerian oldest epic tale in cuneiform is “Epic of Gilgemesh.“ Beurocratic purposes to document purchases etc.

Statuettes from the Square Temple at Eshnunna
(ca. 2700 BC; Tell Asmar, Iraq)

* Wide eyes have a gaze and show a communication and connection to the divine. Bodies are made of clay and eyes are of white shell, and pupil is bitumen that have a white luster to it. * (taken from web) My favorite ancient Sumerian art has always been the statuettes from the Square Temple at Eshnunna (ca. 2700 BC; Tell Asmar, Iraq). Many of these statuettes have been found beneath the floor of the temple. Figures are dressed in the form of priests or priestesses, and they have their hands clasped in constant prayer. It is thought that these statuettes were votive figurines; worshipers would leave these figures at the temple as a form or worship or prayer. Or, it is also thought that these statuettes could represent the manifestation of an answered prayer. I especially love the wide-eyed stares on their faces; they probably symbolize the vigilance of the statuettes in their prayerful duty. * Geometric, rectangular beards are often seen in men. The different sizes of statues show. * Hieratic Scale- size is a measurement of importance. Universally used throughout world art (social status, wealth, rank in society) * Key points: Both men and women, uniformity in style, gaze, hieratic scale

'The Lady of Warka'
(ca.3500-3000 BCE; Uruk)

* Made of marble, shows sign of being precious, probably had fuller body attached to it that was clothed with fine dress and placed on an alter * Many objects such as these are for religious purposes, not decorative art * Proof that there were prosperous trade relation existed * Hair probably existed; very realistic appearance

Cylinder seal: hunter holding a lion; griffin attacking a stag; Master of Animals; double-headed eagle
(ca. 14th century B.C)

* Personal mark, seal on door, jar, status object * Symbolizes ownership, buried with the owner

Sargon of Akkad

* It is realistic but idealized through the patterns on the beard image of perfection * Rob statue of magical power from the ability to hear and see * Ancient Euro-Eastern beard

Victory Stele of Naram-Sin of Akkad * Commemorate significant battle * (Taken from web) Naram-Sin's famed victory stele depicts him as a god-king (symbolized by his horned helmet) climbing a mountain above his soldiers, and his enemies, the defeated Lullubi. Although the stele was broken off at the top when it was stolen and carried off by the Elamites, it still strikingly reveals the pride, glory, and divinity of Naram-Sin. The stele broke from tradition by using successive diagonal tiers, rather than a horizontal format, to communicate the story to viewers. It is six feet and seven inches tall, and made from pink sandstone.[4] The stele was found at Susa, and is now in the Louvre Museum.[5] A similar bas-relief depicting Naram-Sin was found a few miles north-east of Diarbekr, at Pir Hüseyin.

Bull’s Head Instrument ca. 2600 B.C

* found in burial tomb, was a precious belonging * This elegant Sumerian lyre, from the Tomb of Queen Puabi of Ur, suggests a splendid, luxurious royal court. The wood and strings have been restored, but all else is original. The brilliant blue beard is carved from lapis lazuli, a highly prized semiprecious gemstone, which still enjoys great popularity in the jewelry of modern western cultures such