World Hunger Research Paper

Words: 1460
Pages: 6

Imagine going weeks without eating. Every day, people all around the world are dying from malnourishment. Hunger is everywhere and concerns everyone. So why has hunger not been stopped? Many people do not realize they are causing hunger and continue advocating for the factors causing the famine crisis. Lack of money, lack of infrastructure, and incessant wars all lead to the loss of millions of people. What some countries have in excess does not even exist in other countries. World hunger is a needless problem which affects everyone in the world and is caused by human conflict to which the solution is simpler than many people might think.
Undoubtedly, world hunger is a preventable problem which affects everyone in the world, whether they are
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When people do not have healthy food to receive nutrients from, they grow weak and cannot work. As a result, a seemingly endless life of malnourishment is created. Obviously, the body is affected greatly without the right diet. Protein, fat, carbs, vitamins, minerals, and water are necessary to sustain a healthy body. Without nutrients daily, mental and physical activities will start to decrease. Strength and a nutritious diet are necessary to sustain life. Consequently, as the body’s functions decline, so does the immune system. The immune system will slow and stop fighting against illness "The Issue". Therefore, a healthy diet is imperative to keep bodies, families, and communities …show more content…
Through donations and relief programs many people are able to find relief from hunger. More people would be aided if donations, relief programs, and financial development through credits increased. The delivery of financial services could help alleviate poverty by making prices of basic essentials lower (Stanford 17-21). One study evens states "a common proxy for financial development, reduces poverty by 2.5-3.0 percentage points" (Stanford 18). If penurious people can live on a credit system, they will be able to afford a nutritious diet. The concerted effort supported by world organizations and governments, which are led by the United Nations, can eliminate poverty, in turn bringing an end to world