Vacations and work schedules can be harder to plan because of less time off from school. But I can hear you asking yourself, why change the schools when the system that has been put in place has worked for so long? If we take time away from school, kids will learn less, and the next generation won’t be prepared! This is true, and there are ways to prevent it. One solution is that students can now bear a heavier workload for the weekend with that extra day off, giving them time to still get their work done. While students losing acquired knowledge over summer break is a problem, the resuscitation of school after a break gives students practice with “adapting to new procedures, handling different work styles, and learning new schedules” (“The Pros & Cons of Year-Round School”). These are just three of many areas where schools can improve their curriculum. Schools should shorten their days, reduce the days of the week school is in session, and forget about year-round school! Depending on who you ask, you can get very different opinions on every one of these topics. There are benefits and downsides to each one, as discussed