Year Round School Research Paper

Words: 470
Pages: 2

A lot of school educators believe that a student’s typical summer break i “too long.” In fact, majority of students do not remember and information they had learned the year before. A way to fix this issue is to make schools year-round and there would be a three to fur week break in the summer, a longer winter break, and a week off in the spring and fall. In all honesty, that would be the best choice because schools can work at a slower pace, a shorter summer will keep more students out of trouble, and students would get more breaks throughout the year.

Parents typically blame their kids as to why they’re failing their school courses. Yet at the end of the day, it’s nobody's fault, the school curriculum is just too fast pace for students. Every day students learn something new in their classes. No time for a full day of class work or review, the curriculum expects the students to do that on their own. With the schools becoming year-round, teachers can spend days reteaching students and making sure they know the information needed to pass a test. Not only will this change help a student become smarter, it will help the student be more safe too.
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On another note, students do not typically think about future consequences to their today’s actions, especially during the summer. Although a student's curfew will keep them from being out all night, what will stop them from doing anything regretful during the day? The number of teens getting in trouble with the law increases when they are on break from school. A year-round school year would help stop these teens from getting a misdemeanor or felony put on their record. Year-round schools would not be taking their full freedom though because they would get more week breaks during the school