Year-round schooling can help to improve student achievement, reduce summer learning loss, and provide students with more opportunities for enrichment activities. If you are interested in learning more about year-round schooling, there are many resources available online and at your local library. The traditional school calendar has been in effect for over a century. Students attend school for 180 days, with two weeks off for winter break, one week for spring break, and a few days off for national holidays. In the article The Pros and Cons of Year-round School Calendars it states “redistribute the standard 180 days of classroom instruction more evenly over the course of a year.’ While this calendar has been the norm for many years, there is a growing movement to adopt a year-round school schedule.There are several benefits to year-round schooling. One of the biggest advantages is that it can help students retain information better. When students have longer breaks, they often forget what they have learned. This can lead to them falling behind in their studies. With year-round schooling, students have shorter breaks, so they are less likely to forget what they have