A possible concern is that teachers who have second jobs will lose money and won’t be able to work the same hours because the year-round school calendar has different summer break lengths. This is an understandable concern; however, most teachers work jobs after school, and on the weekends, these stay the same and don’t change despite the calendar being different. Teachers still have the same amount of breaks, just more spread out and with more days off at a time. This shows that their hours won’t be affected by the year-round schooling schedule. The money they will be making compared to the money spent is a very good deal. When more money is invested into improving student curriculum, schools will see students improve. Overall. year-round schooling helps save money for parents and schools. Moreover, year-round school should be implemented because students experience summer learning loss. This point has been highlighted in the article, “Year-Round School: Overview”, which states, “Disadvantaged and poor students are thought to suffer particularly severe summer setbacks’” (Chittom and