Year Round School Research Paper

Words: 473
Pages: 2

There has been an enormous debate going on involving the timeline of our schools. Should schools implement a year-round school system, or should we continue having our beloved summer breaks? Year-round schools provide constant education and summer breaks are crucial to the development of this next generation. We need students to develop soft skills that jobs give them, they will be much more successful if they are provided an adequate break. As we can see clearly stated throughout source B, schools should not implement the idea of year round school. Source B focuses entirely on how summer break certainly doesn't help the kids who are already behind in school. To help assist those kids to not fall behind even more there should be additional help that is easily accessible, consequently, for the students who are at grade level who seem to be doing just fine in the summer should not need to be required to …show more content…
Kids who are doing well tend to fall behind less than kids who are behind. So the summer slide hurts everyone but is blamed especially for widening the achievement gap.” In source A, the main point the author is trying to produce is how much information students will forget between June and September. “School should be all year round because students will forget 1-3 months of math and reading materials.” Nevertheless, this may be true for some students, source C clearly states otherwise. In source C, that graph shows us that the average test scores for schools that don't do year round schooling are actually higher than those schools who do practice the idea of year round schooling. Therefore, to help our students succeed, we do not need year-round schooling. Summer jobs are also a huge part of developing our kids for the real world. In Source E, we can look at how they express the importance of a summer job. High school students who work a summer job develop so many skills detrimental to