Year Round School Research Paper

Words: 587
Pages: 3

Year-Long School Contrary to popular opinion, year-round school does not mean more or less days of education, it only implies that the 365 days are spent differently. In comparison, a more traditional schedule might look like 9 months straight of school than a leisurely 3 months off, a more innovative approach might look different. Year-round schools offer a 45-15 or a 60-20, the first portion being days in school and the second off days. Traditionally, school has been 9 months with a 3 month summer break, but many modern districts are reworking their schedules to accommodate year-long school. There are some advantages to year-round schooling that most people overlook. One benefit is the well-being of the community as a whole. Barber states, …show more content…
“Cafeterias are open and serving breakfast and lunch to children, including some who are off track and come to school for a nutritious meal”(Barber). Over the summer, families that rely on school for nutritious and consistent meals are left high and dry, converting to year-round school could help alleviate some of these needs. In addition, a 60-20 or a 45-15 model allows for more evenly spaced breaks and “can help reduce burnout among teachers and students”(Warner). Daniel Jones, a doctorate student in educational leadership states, “that longer breaks during the school year could have a positive effect on students’ mental health, particularly in a post-pandemic world.” In some districts, the first session, trimester or semester, is much longer than the second. This may add to “holes” in students learning or wasted time. The final reason for which year-round schools are beneficial is the decrease in “summer learning loss”. According to Warner, “Since students have shorter summer breaks, there’s less time to forget what they learned during the school year”. This could help save time because most years the first portion of the school year is spent reviewing last year's