32 Day Research Paper

Words: 1351
Pages: 6

Jim Thompson once stated, “Say something positive, and you'll see something positive”. Thompson was correct: Whatever we put into the universe will come back to us. That quote connects to my topic because for 32 days I read many positive affirmations throughout the day. While doing that, and trying to spread positivity to others, it came back to me in many ways. Others have acted in a positive way towards me, but I have also become positive about myself. I learned that being positive can shift your life, and shower you with new opportunities or open better doors for you. Habit researchers know we are more likely to form new habits when we clear away the obstacles that stand in our way. Packing your gym bag and leaving it to the doctor is one …show more content…
Research from Milkman and her colleagues shows that just flagging an upcoming birthday can encourage people to start saving more for retirement, "in-text citation (Hu). “A good pre–game routine starts by being so easy that you can’t say no to it. You shouldn’t need motivation to start your pre–game routine” In-text citation (Clear). At the beginning of the 32-day commitment, I felt pretty good about it. It wasn't bad, it was easier. I only have to read positive affirmations every day. Those affirmations are on my phone, and I get them at random times throughout the day. I also tried to write down positive things that happened throughout the day in my notes app on my phone. Almost in the middle of my 32-day commitment, it was the 13th day of 32. In my journal, I stated: I honestly do feel more positive. I read my positive affirmations every day. Not only that, but I've also been more polite, using manners. putting in effort, and genuinely trying to feel more positive and happier. Going into my second week I very much do feel more positive about it. I plan to start chopping less. That will help me become even more positive. By the 32nd day, I will be a new