Anne Frank Research Paper

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Pages: 4

Born June 12th, 1929 Anneliese Marie Frank is introduced into an upper class home that is located in an undisturbed, godly Jewish neighborhood near the outskirts of Frankfurt. She has a sister three years older than her named Margot Frank, and her parents names were Edith and Otto Frank. Her father, Otto Frank, who served in the army became a businessman. During her childhood, both parents encouraged their daughters to take on reading. Throughout her short life, because of them , reading became a hobby and a very loved passion. During this time, Anne was brought into the home during the Holocaust. When she was of age to attend Montessori School, she formed a reputation as an outgoing, energetic and popular young lady.
Adolf Hitler
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The family left behind a false trail signaling that they fled to Switzerland and went into hiding. Germany invaded the Netherlands , therefore they were forced to move again , this time to Prinsengraent 263 in Amsterdam in a attic apartment behind her father’s business in 1942 . During that time , her sister received a letter ordering her to report to a work camp which is ignored. The Nazi composed anti-Jewish laws making each person wear a yellow star of David at all times with a strict curfew. Following these rules, Anne dressed as required in her new school at the Jewish Lyceum …show more content…
For her birthday, she received a checkered red and black diary as long with her sister to write personal thoughts , feelings and reduced the amount of stress given to the young girls . In her diary she confided in secrets that had to do with living in the house for all these months, crushes , her loneliness and the annoyance that others in the household created. Being caged at the age of 13 , she had absolutely nothing to do . This is when she created an imaginary friend called Kitty to keep her company other than her sister and the boy she was forming a crush on who also lived in the