Anne Frank Research Paper

Words: 665
Pages: 3

Anne Frank
The year was 1942 and world war 2 was going on and lots of jews went into hiding for the fear that they would be forced to go to concentration camps. One of these people who went into hiding was a young girl by the name of Anne Frank. When Anne turned thirteen she received a diary which would give us an insight on what is was like growing up as a jewish teenager during world war 2 and would reflect on the issues of intolerance, racism, discrimination, and the need for peace.
Anne Frank was born on the 12th of June 1929 in the German town of Frankfurt Main. Anne was described as an extrovert, always talkative and outgoing. With Hitler’s rise to power the Frank family's carefree life was over and they decided to move out of germany into the netherland. Otto Frank (Anne’s father) tried to move his family to England and the United States but failed. Anne received a diary for her
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On the 6th of July 1942 the Frank family had to go into hiding, they stayed in a place Anne addressed as the secret annex for more than two years with eight other people. While in the secret annex Anne began to write about her life in her diary. On August 4 1944 everyone in the secret annex was captured and sent to concentration camps. Anne Frank died in bergen-belsen soon after her sister Margot. Anne's father Otto Frank returned to Holland finding out that everyone in his family and the people who had been hiding in the secret annex with him had died.

One of the dutch citizens that helped hide the Franks in the secret annex had found Anne's diary and returned it to Otto Frank. Anne wrote about how after the war she hoped to have something published. “I don’t want to