Anne Frank Research Paper

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Pages: 4

A young boy born on April 20 1889 named Adolf Hitler ("Birth and Childhood"). His father was a custom official while his mother came from a poor peasant ("Birth and Childhood"). Hitler was able to gain a lot of power over time and ended up dominating much of Europe. Anne Frank was born June, 12 1929 ("Who Is Anne?"). Anne Frank’s book was the voice of the victims, “Since it is impossible to comprehend the loss of 6 million voices, it is in contemplating the loss of Anne Frank’s voice, only one voice, that we can begin to confront the endless abyss of that event” (Kopf 9-10). MISSING THESIS
Adolf Hitler changed from a confident, outgoing, conscientious student to a morose, detached boy who constantly fought with his father and teachers. Certain
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He was a child of vast interest in pursuing the arts (Robert 8). He took singing classes and wanted to enroll in an art school because of his dream of becoming an artist. Hitler’s father rejected the idea of his son being an artist and so Adolf was sent to a state owned school (cite). In 1900, Adolf’s younger brother Edmund, died; and as a consequence, Adolf changed from being a self-assured student to a boy who constantly argued with his teacher and parents (cite). After three years of his brother’s death, Adolf’s father dies in 1903. Hitler did poorly in school so his mother agreed to his applying to the Vienna Academy of fine arts (cite). Unfortunately, after all his attempts in urging his parents to agree of his dream in becoming an artist, Hitler’s dream was stripped away from him when his dream-school rejection letter was sent to him on October 1907. Hitler soon changed his focus to politics (cite). He didn’t like the idea of multi-ethnic of Austria’s ruling Habsburg Empire. He moved to Munich in 1913 to avoid military services. Hitler had a vision more like a desire to unite Germany and Austria, and the politics of the Anti-Semitic of Vienna mayor, Karl Lueger …show more content…
Hitler being a persuasive public speaker gave people hope and compelled them to vote for him. He promised them a rise of economy and a new Germany that would eventually become a European power again. As result to Hitler’s promises, people voted for him and gave him a lot of power making him a very powerful and dangerous chancellor, who would eventually result into shaping history. His dominant power led to the murder of more than six million people. He committed genocide against Jews, handicaps, homosexuals, gypsies, and other minorities; not only in Germany, but across European Nations as well. With the amount of power Hitler possessed, he had a great chance of taking over the world and become one of its most powerful