Anne Frank Research Paper

Words: 470
Pages: 2

In the Novel Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, the author, Anne shows us when it comes to surviving their always fear. It’s clear from the passage that Anne tells us how things were bad, but know the Nazis and Adolf Hitler are now just going out of control and gaining so much power at the same time. “It is terrible outside. Day and night more of those poor miserable people are being dragged off, with nothing but a rucksack and a little money. On the way they are deprived even of these possessions. Families are torn apart, the men, women, and children all being separated. Children coming home from school to find their parents have disappeared. Women return from shopping to find their homes shut down and their families gone. The Dutch people are …show more content…
That’s why Anne and her family went to hiding, because the Jews were being captured and send to camps. The fear of being captured, pushed/forced the Jews to go into hiding. Along with all of these rules, government and power lead Anne having less confidence in her and her family’s survival. “The air raids on German towns are growing in strength every day. We don’t have a single quiet night. I’ve got dark rings under my eyes from lack of sleep. Our food is miserable. Dry bread and coffee substitute for breakfast.”(p78) In the passage Anne gets dark rings under her eyes because of lack of sleep. The lack of sleep, she says is because of “The air raids on German towns are growing in strength every day. “This shows that the raids of German towns are because of the rounding up of Jews. This gives me a scene of power, powerlessness and fear. These raids keep happening because no one is stepping up to them, because of their power. And the fact that they keep getting stronger and more powerful is overwhelming to the Jews. But even though life was miserable they kept on surviving because of the hope of a better