Arguments Against Vaccines

Words: 1561
Pages: 7

Vaccines, also known as immunizations, are referred to as substance given to one constructing an immune response against a pathogen as a defense system contrary to diseases. They can prevent and cure deadly illnesses around the world with the introduction of a small sample of the disease to the body in which the white blood cells will dismantle the sample. The most common diseases that doctors have encountered over the years include smallpox, rabies, diphtheria, mumps, yellow fever, and tuberculosis but with the help of vaccines, the amount of infected individuals have declined dramatically (LaPensee). An advancement in technology precedes new discoveries in vaccines everyday. Vaccines should be required for all children because immunizations …show more content…
In New Jersey daycares and preschools are making it a requirement for all children attending the schools to get the flu shot. Parents have become frustrated regarding the fact that children six months to five years old have to receive the vaccine (Kluck). Although the government may prohibit parents from exercising their rights, they ensure that it is in the public's best interest. The number of children who get sick or die from deadly diseases will dramatically decrease according to the government (Kluck). In the article, "The Benefits of Vaccination Outweigh the Risks", it states, “Almost all vaccines can cause pain, redness or tenderness at the site of injection. And some vaccines cause more severe side effects. For example, the pertussis (or whooping cough) vaccine can cause persistent, inconsolable crying, high fever or seizures associated with fever.” Although, none of the listed immunizations can cause permanent damage, parents still seem to worry about the side effects. Parents do not seem to stress as much about their loved ones dying from everyday tasks such as eating, showering and bathing, or walking outside on a rainy day. Every year in the United States, 350 people pass away from shower related accidents, 200 people are killed from choking while eating causing their windpipe to shut, and 100 people are struck and killed …show more content…
On one hand, parents argue that immunizations should be a guardians legal right to decide on vaccines. On the other hand, many doctors contend that vaccinations should be required for all children regardless of a parent's preference because immunizations can save many lives by protecting the public from deadly diseases, affordable and it is proven to be safe and effective. In recent studies the HIV virus has been treated on animals with cytomegalovirus vaccines but yet has been able to be used on humans (LaPensee). With the advancement in technology scientists hope to be able to treat many terminally ill patients with the help of immunizations. If parents decide not to vaccinate their child, not only are they hurting their children but they are hurting other innocent, joyful kids around them. The future is in our hands and we must make a change before our loved one’s health it at