Arguments Against Vegetarianism

Words: 531
Pages: 3

Christianity is broken down into a variety of groups, and one of those group is Protestistanism. Protestantism is considered the mainline of distinct branches of religion, and one of those branches under Protestantism is evangelicalism. Evangelicals believe in the forthcoming of the end of the world and the return of Christ. They strongly believe in their sacred text, that everything written in the bible is valid. And, evangelicals also believe that it is important to spread the word of God, and to inspire society. Furthermore, morality is immensely essential to Evangelicals. They believe that abortion is morally wrong, that same sex-same marriage contradicts the word of God, and that premarital sex is a sin. And these religious beliefs has had an immense influence in political standpoints, especially with today’s presidential race, where this has created a division between Evangelical communities.
Donald Trump, the republican candidate, has given many negative remarks about women, race, sexuality and more, however, some evangelical leaders still advocate for
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For instance, reporter Ed Stetzer hosted an interview with Deborah Hikes, who is evangelical, asking her a series of questions about her thoughts regarding her religious beliefs interrelating with her political views. She stated that even though her religion considers abortion and same-sex marriage sinful and immoral, she believes that it is important to separate religion with politics, because you should not impose your religion beliefs to society; especially in a society where there has been constant changes and where it has become highly diverse (pg 1). While other evangelical followers and leaders believe that the opposing candidate, Hillary Clinton, will bring diversity into the community and is less extreme compared to Donald