Big Brothers Big Sisters Community Analysis

Words: 589
Pages: 3

There are several Juvenile Blueprint Program that have been developed to help youth become successful through mentorship and guardian ship. “Big Brothers Big Sisters, an exemplary mentoring program, is a federation of more than 420 agencies that serve children and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 16, a significant number of whom are form disadvantages single parent household.” (Hess 2013) The BBBS organization, they have a vision that entails attempting to ensure that all children that are in with strong and longlasting, professionally supported one-to-one relationships in which their lives can be positively impacted. “Over the last decade, the Big Brothers Big Sisters network has made significant investments in the foundation of support that is necessary to meet the changing needs of the communities we serve and the children whose lives we affect in those communities.”( The goals are to target children who face adversity and engage in partnerships with with parents/guardians, volunteers, and others within underprivileged communities to instill higher aspirations, greater …show more content…
Because of their mission and vision, BBBS has over two million supporters who encapsulate the core of their longevity wherein the organization has been functional for over 100 years through contributions from these supporters that constitute over 50% of annual funding for the organization. “Potential mentors are screened by a Big Brothers Big Sisters case worker through a personal interview, home visit, and criminal, background, and reference check to ensure that they are not a safety risk and are likely to form a positive relationship with the youth” (Social