Raphael Martinez (executive director) gave us the welcome and gave us an overview of the school. He told us that during the morning the students could talk either sign language or English, but in the afternoon it was voices off everyone speaks sign language. My partner and I went to a second grade class, some of the students are older than a second grader, but their level is at second grade. The classroom is small that was divided into two classes, the first half was for students with special needs and the second half was a second grade class. I am used to hearing students talk all day long entering the classroom was different because it was very quiet. I notice that the hearing students were teaching the deaf students how to read, the hearing student would read the book first, then translate using sign language to translate to the deaf student. After a few minutes they switch to math. Everyone was sitting in a round table facing the Promethean board. Mrs. King gave them a word problem, it took several tries for the students to understand what the problem was asking. I notice that in order to grab students' attention Mrs. King would tap on the Promethean board or