Civil War Dbq

Words: 1820
Pages: 8

The American Civil War, was a war of two contentious ideas. One idea, entailed chattel slavery as a right, lawful, and no contention with the Constitution; as the Constitution did forbid slavery, just the import/trade of new slaves form outside of the known Union. The other idea, was for racial equality, abolishing slavery, and allowing all to live in a harmonious union. These two ideas were pushed to the forefront by three competing factions. These factions included slaveholders; who believed in the idea of slavery being a right, and being legal; slave colonizers; who believed that slavery was not right, but that blacks were inferior in every way and should not be allowed within white society, but shipped back to whence they came, or colonize new areas to call their own; abolitionists; who believed in the complete end of slavery, and for racial equality between all races, especially the blacks and white races. These three factions, along with the two competing ideas, lead to issues arising between the slaveholders of the South and free-thinking abolitionists in the North; ultimately inducing with some actions on both sides the battle for our nation, or what we have come to know as the Civil War.
To understand this, one needs to look no further than the
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There was not a single, homogeneous working class that was established with the market revolution instilled by the abolitionists. (162) Garrison, himself, was upset with two errors in the early design of abolitionism. One, he believed men’s depreciation of women’s influence and women’s own depreciation of their influence were both hindrances of early progress. (173) However, women did get into the abolitionist movement, and found that their presence was a way of exploring “new conceptions of womanhood” and satisfying a “quest for autonomy”. (208/9) Essentially, Garrison’s gaffe, but women’s intuition led to the earliest forms of feminism and women’s