January 1, 1831, The Liberator was issued by Garrison. In this Garrison presented the Declaration of Indepence and strongly argued that slavery needed to be abolished. Garrison, as a nonviolent militant abolitionist stated that blacks were entitled to more than what they were offered, they were supposed …show more content…
The Fugitive Slave Act amended during this time and the slave trade in Washington, D.C, was abolished . The Fugitive Slave Act was adopted by Douglas which was Rhetoric to violence. This was a law in Article 4, section 2 of the constitution. It was announced that if a slave was to runaway from the south to the north that they must be returned to their slave owner. Those who did not arrest runaway slaves were able to be fined 1,000 dollars. Law enforcement as also expected to arrest any suspected runaway slave. Those caught sheltering these slaves were subjected to imprisonment. Taxes on slavery trade between the boarder increased. The Kansas- Nebraska act was passed by the congress. It allowed Kansas and Nebraska to decide if they wanted to allow slaves in their territory. They had both pro-slavery and anti-slavery battling each other, which angered many and resulted in an election. Pro-Slavery settlers were charged with fraud and the results from the votes were not accounted for. Another election was taken but pro-slavery members refused to vote again. This soon leads to violence, soon enough another election took place, in which pro-Slavery members won. After the victory they were again charged with election fraud. Due to the fraud the congress did not allow the constitution to be adoped by pro-slavery favors. Kanasa was not allowed to become a state. Anti-slavery members were outnumbered by pro-slavery supporter and a new constitution was written. Each three event lay hand and hand. All three promoted division of enslavement versus freedom. The 1850 compromise, tried to defuse a problem by separating slavery from the north in the south. The fugitive slave act followed the trend and set rules to keep the slaves in the south where they were suppose to be. The Kansas-