Wilton, N. (2011, p293) refers downward communication to top-down communication from management to employees. Typical practices include company newsletters, magazines, team briefing, presentations and employee reports.
It is a process by which management informs staff about decisions that they made and explains the rationale for these decisions, particularly when communication is from senior management with the purpose of communicating organisational strategy, mission and objective.
It is very important as effective communication with employees is an essential means by which to develop a positive psychological contract and enhance the individual’s identification with the organisation’s strategic objectives.
Upward Communication:
Communication that flows to a higher level in an organization is called upward communication. It provides feedback on how well the organization is functioning. The subordinates use upward communication to convey their problems and performances to their superiors.
The subordinates also use upward communication to tell how well they have understood the downward communication. It can also be used by the employees to share their views and ideas and to participate in the decision-making process.
Upward communication leads to a more committed and loyal workforce in an organization because the employees are given a chance to raise and speak dissatisfaction issues to the higher levels. The managers get to know about the employees feelings towards their jobs, peers, supervisor and organization in general. Managers can thus accordingly take actions for improving things.
Grievance Redressal System, Complaint and Suggestion Box, Job Satisfaction surveys etc all help in improving upward communication. Other examples of Upward Communication are -performance reports made by low level management for reviewing by higher level management, employee attitude surveys, letters from employees, employee-manager discussions etc.
Different method of upwards communication and how it can help company?
1. Problems and exceptions: These messages describe serious problems and exceptions to routine performance in order to make the managers aware of difficulties.
2. Suggestions for improvement: These messages are ideas for improving task-related procedures to increase the quality or efficiency of the employees.
3. Performance reports: These messages