Diet Analysis Paper

Words: 711
Pages: 3

Looking back on my diet and lifestyle, there are many factors that determine when, what, where, and how much I eat. My what and where eating habits are mainly influenced by my family/culture and peers. My when and how much are influenced by my tastes, level of physical activeness, schedule, and stress. These factors are interchangeable and play an integrated role in my diet.

Most of the food that I currently eat is influenced by my family. At a young age, my parents often taught me the benefits of cooking and eating at home. When I was growing up, we would go to restaurants only around four times a year. All the other times, I would eat the traditional Indian and American dishes that my mother would prepare at home. The
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Family, culture, and societal beliefs play a significant part in diet, but do not necessarily promote a healthy diet. The taste in food, what you eat, and how you eat is dependent on the circumstances, environment, and situation on which that family is currently facing. For instance, the traditional Southern family may incorporate foods that are typically perceived as unhealthy (i.e. butter, biscuits, etc.), but the people in that area see it as traditional and comforting. One the other hand, other groups, like many Asian families, value a lower fat diet and thus cook foods that consist mainly of vegetables. Variation and diversity exist in families and cultures, therefore, there is no way to promote a healthy, balanced …show more content…
I eat whenever I am bored, craving something, stressed out, and hungry. During my teenage years, I played competitive sports every day for hours on end. I would come home and grab whatever I could find (snacks) and eat as much as I wanted because I knew that I would burn it off. However, that mentality has changed. After quitting sports, I have become more conscious of my body image and have tend to move towards eating more nutritious foods. Likewise, my portion size varies depending on my physical activeness for the day. My eating patterns are irregular due to college and traveling (i.e. I always dinner around 10:00-11:00 pm). Overall, looking at these factors, I would say that body image, my schedule, and my level of activeness definitely play important roles in my life for achieving a healthy and balanced diet. Since I am conscious of my body, I chose foods that will maintain my figure and keep me from gaining