Disobedience Research Papers

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Pages: 4

Eiman Mir AP Lang Mrs. Mathia 6 April 2024 Argumentative Essay Although many might argue that acts of disobedience can be ineffective and not worth the often strict consequences, acts of disobedience are crucial for fostering intellectual freedom and the expansion of knowledge. Acts of disobedience are representatives of intellectual freedom that are important for bringing forth new perspectives. During the 17th and 18th centuries, there was a shift in how many European people viewed religion. Before this period, many citizens were strict church members, basing their decisions, values, government systems, and other aspects of their lives around religion. For instance, many Kings and monarchs ruled solely on the idea that they held a divine …show more content…
John Locke's works have even been shown to have influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence. By going against what others at the time believed in, Locke and Montesquieu were setting a foundation for systemic change that would ultimately lead to a more equitable society across Europe and eventually to America as well. These changes were a result of bravery and a willingness to defy commonly held beliefs and ideas at the time. This reveals that disobedience can prevent excessive uniformity, encourage critical thinking, and bring forth diverse viewpoints. Disobedience is fundamental in creating an environment that allows for intellectual freedom, where individuals can openly express their opinions. Intellectual freedom is, therefore, crucial to driving progress. Disobedience is important for expanding knowledge through precise questioning and critical thinking. Around a century earlier, Galileo Galilei was also pushing boundaries, but in the realm of science. When Galileo claimed that the solar system was centered around the sun instead of the Earth, he was outright ignored and subjected to house …show more content…
However, disobedience can not bring about immediate change. Some might argue that individual acts of disobedience can easily be overlooked. Even if a single act gains traction, the time it takes to implement changes may not be worth it. Since his fall, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has led to several protests across the world. Personally, I have seen people around me avoid taking action even when they feel passionate about the cause because they believe that attending a protest, calling a senator, or raising awareness through social media is trivial at most. However, the purpose of taking action is not to have an immediate impact, but rather to raise awareness and garner support in the process of reaching a resolution. A key example of a purposeful action taken by activists hoping to see changes regarding the current president's approach towards Israel's Palestine is the movement to vote unobstructed during this season's primary elections. The hope was that the number of unobstructed votes would exceed the margin of winning. This effort was successful in