Enzyme Lab Essay

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Activity: Enzyme Activity
1. Sucrase will have the greatest activity at pH 6
2. Sucrase will have the greatest activity at
60 °C (140 °F)
3. Sucrase activity decreases with increasing sucrose concentration.
Materials and Methods
Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity.
1. Dependent Variable. amount of product (glucose and fructose) produced
2. Independent Variable. pH 3. Controlled Variables. temperature; amount of substrate (sucrose) present; sucrase + sucrose incubation time
Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity.
1. Dependent Variable. amount of product (glucose and fructose) produced
2. Independent Variable.
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I predicted that sucrase activity will decrease with increasing sucrose concentrations; based on the results on Table/graph 3 it will inrease with increasing sucrose concentrations.
Briefly state how pH, temperature, and sucrose concentration affect sucrase activity. ( type below )
Temperature, pH, and sucrose concentration affect sucrase activity in similar ways. Temperatures and pH, caused sucrase activity to decrease.
Sucrose concentration affects sucrase activity as increasing amounts of sucrose will increase sucrase activity.
1. Myosin ATPase is an enzyme that is involved in muscle contraction. Athletes do warm-up exercises prior to an event to increase athletic performance. Explain why.
Athletes do warm-up exercises prior to an event to increase blood flow and they stretch to prevent any muscle tearing.
2. Metabolic acidosis is a condition that occurs when the body cannot maintain a normal blood pH between 7.35 and 7.45, and pH falls below pH 7.35. Describe the effect of metabolic acidosis on enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions that occur in the blood.
Metabolic acidosis would cause the enzyme-catalyzed chemical reaction to