Executive Branch Research Paper

Words: 775
Pages: 4

The executive, legislative, and judicial branch is foundation upon which governs the United States. The President of the United States is the chief executive of the federal structure. He does not govern alone. He works in co-operation with the legislative and judicial branch to formulate policy to govern. The institution of the presidency has changed significantly since the implementation of the Constitution. The balance of power as shifted towards the executive branch, giving the modern era presidents close to equal power as the legislative branch. Some of these powers are grounded in the Constitution, others partially existent, and some not found in the Constitution.
In the early history of the United States, presidents typically assumed
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Services, usually provided by state and local governments, came to be funded and regulated at the federal level. This led to the creation of many different agencies and laws to oversee administration of these programs. Article II gave the president the power to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”. But the Constitution does not outline administrative tools the president needs to carry out this mandate. Providing the president with more sway in domestic affairs. Give the growth in the number and variety of federal programs, Congress delegated responsibility to the president. By doing so, they appointed the executive branch to implement and change policy to achieve the objectives of these programs. The end result of delegation of responsibility, Congress shared a substantial amount of its law making powers with the president. Prior to the twentieth century, presidents rarely found themselves prepared to get involved in administrative practices. For the most part presidents stayed in the background and allowed Congress to provide oversight. When a president wants to be involved in policy making they usually do so through presidential appointments and on occasion, through executive orders. The executive order has the force of law until it is removed. The “take care” clause gave the means for the president to use executive orders to execute the laws. It was not till