Executive Branch Research Paper

Words: 718
Pages: 3

The Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches are all supposed to be equal in power if speaking with technicality. There really should not be one branch in the United States government that holds more power over the other two branches. All three of very powerful branches and it seems that with different situations and in different times one can argue which branch is more powerful than the other. Now when breaking down these these three branches of government the purpose was to provide separation of powers by The Founding Fathers of the Constitution. Each branch holds its own responsibility and the idea is for these branches to work together to assure the country does not go down in turmoil and the peace is kept within its citizens. The …show more content…
Other members of the Executive Branch are the Vice President, The Cabinet, and federal agencies. “Including members of the armed forces, the Executive Branch employs more than 4 million Americans”(). The President has the power to decide whether he wants to sign to approve or veto a bill enacted by Congress (Legislative branch), has the power to coordinate diplomacy with other nations, negotiate and sign treaties, can issue executive orders, which direct executive officers or clarify and further existing laws, and has unlimited power to extend pardons and clemencies for federal crimes, except in cases of impeachment (). Now even with all the power from the Executive branch the President's vetoes can be overridden and diplomacy with other nations and signed treaties must be ratified by Congress. As of now the President and Vice President is limited to serve 8 years with the exception of 10 years if the Vice President must take over for the current President. The Cabinet are often the President’s closest confidants and is an advisory body appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate as the heads of the 15 executive departments. The power of the President can be debated as very powerful but if you were to look at our current President Trumps control of power seems to be getting blocked at every