Four Day School Week Research Paper

Words: 729
Pages: 3

In recent years, a four-day school week has been integrated into schools. Roughly 1600 schools in the United States across twenty-four states have implemented the four-day school schedule. Despite this, a four-day schedule has its drawbacks. Some of these drawbacks include longer school days, lower academic achievement, and not having as much money saved as expected. Overall, a four-day school week’s length, money saving, and academic ability aren’t able to suspend themselves as effectively as schools using a five-day schedule. One reason schools should not switch to a four-day school week is that schools using a four-day school schedule have longer days compared to schools using the usual five-day schedule. Longer school days can be a huge …show more content…
That’s asking a lot of questions. ” (The Pros and Cons of a Four-Day School Week). This explains that younger students will have a harder time focusing on what they are supposed to be learning due to this ninety minute increase. The ninety minute increase can also cause harm to extracurricular activities. Students that do extracurricular activities such as sports, chorus, performing arts, etc. don’t have as much time to do these activities, nor enough time to do their homework. Along with this, students might not be able to get to school to do their activities because of the time increase. The author writes, “If optional activities were offered by schools on the fifth day, lack of transportation could limit access. ” (Four-Day School Week Overview). This shows that the lack of transportation mixed with the increased time could not only negatively affect a students grades, but also cause harm to one’s extracurriculars. Another reason schools shouldn’t switch to a four-day school schedule is the harm it does to academic success. Most schools that have switched to a four-day school have lower average scores during standardized tests than those that use the usual five-day