Four Day School Week Research Paper

Words: 775
Pages: 4

Would Switching to a Four-Day School Week Be Better? In recent years, the idea of transitioning to a four-day school week has gained popularity among schools in the United States, which includes 1,600 schools and twenty-four states. However, this schedule can have a negative impact on students. To compensate for the lost day, the school would be forced to extend the other four days. Additionally, this could impact students academic performance and schools would not be saving as much money. Overall, schools shouldn’t transition to a four-day school week. One reason why schools should not switch to a four-day school week is because this schedule would extend those four days. This means that the four days are longer. This might not seem like much for people …show more content…
This evidence demonstrates that having a four-day school week would be significantly harder for younger students. Also, adding 90 minutes a day will also affect older students, as well as staff. This will also affect the after school activities, like sports. On top of that, the time the students are saving is not that much after all. According to the text,”When timing was added up, districts in the sample using the four-day schedule had longer days by about 50 minutes, but over the course of the year averaged 58 fewer hours of school”(Sawchuk par 13). This evidence explains that there were only 58 hours saved in school after the end of the year. This might seem like a lot, but really it isn’t after all of the long days the students had to experience. Another reason why schools should not switch to a four-day school week is because a four-day school week would impact mental health and learning performance. This could lead to huge problems in the future. This could make students mentally ill, because they may not get enough