Four Day School Week Research Paper

Words: 621
Pages: 3

In recent years, the idea of transitioning to a four-day school week has gained popularity among schools in the United States, and this includes 1,600 schools in twenty four states. However, there are many negative impacts to switching to a four-day school schedule. For example, a four-day school week would cause the school days to be longer, which would make it harder on the students everyday. Additionally, this schedule could be harmful to economic performance, and schools would not be saving much money. Overall, switching to a four-day school week would not be beneficial to students. One reason why schools should not transition to a four-day school week is that school days would have to be longer, since the school week would be shorter. …show more content…
The text states, “When a school switches to a four-day schedule, it adds up to 90 minutes to the school day” (“The Pros and Cons of the Four-Day School Week" par. 31. The aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid afor This piece of evidence helps show that when you switch to a four-day week, the amount of time that students would be at school adds up. Also, students would struggle to do homework with the school day being longer and having less time at home. In addition to that, students who do sports would have even less time than people who do not participate in sports because, on average, practices are about two hours. The text states, “Between homework, dinner, and sleep, there may not be time for much else. That means it could be tough to squeeze in activities like basketball, music lessons, and martial arts on school days” (Frank 11). This shows that due to the schedule change of the school days, it would be harder for students who do sports or other after school activities into their day successfully. All in all, switching to a four-day school schedule would make it harder for students to fit in after