Gender Wage Gap Analysis

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Pages: 5

Feminist: a person who believes in social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.
In the mid 1400s to 1700s witch hunts were occuring which were inspired by male hatred and sexual fear of strong women. These witch hunts occur at a time when a few women were breaking out from under male control, mainly witch hunts were a conspiracy of males against females. Since the dawn of age women were seen as inferior to men. In truth, men and women should be treated equally with regard to everything. Even though there are more women than men on Earth, women are still marginalized in every aspect of society. For an example, not many women hold political, economic, or religious positions of power, as well as they dont get the same opportunities as men
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It does take account for differences in occupations, positions, education, job tenure, or hours worked per week. The video also address the wage gap in the case of doctors. Christina Hoff Sommers gives this example of Gender wage gap. She states that it may seem that female physicians are victims of wage discrimination,where they earn 165k and male physicians earn 221k. Sommers believe the reason for this is “women are far more likely than men to enter lower paying specialties like pediatrics or family medicine than higher-paying cardiology or anesthesiology. They are more likely to work part time, and even women who work full time put in about 7% fewer hours than men. Women physicians are also far more likely to take long leaves of absence, usually to start a family.” then she adds “ most workplace pay gaps narrow to the point of vanishing when one accounts for all these factors.” Women advocacy groups responds with “women choices are not truly free.”Stating