George Washington Research Paper

Words: 1249
Pages: 5

“ I the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the
Slaughter.” George Washington was leader of the Continental Army in the American
Revolution, and he was the first president of United State of America. He was born on February
22, 1732 in Virginia city. He had the responsibily of leadership during the American Revolution.
In years 1789-1797 az a citizen of his country he performed his duty towards the America.
Finally on December 14, 1999 he passed away in his home town, Virginia. This paper summerizes his biography in 4 ; his early life and family, revolution, presidency, and retirement.

George Washington the most celebrated person in American history was the father and first
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His parents were Auqustine Washington and Mary Bull
Washington, but mary was the Augustine second wife. Augustine had three children from his firt waife Jane Batter who was died in 1729. George Washington had two half brothers Lawerence and Augustine and one half sisiter. Lawerence became flow of his father in Mount Vernon
When his father passed on in 1743. After the death of Augustine Washington, George lived in
Lawerence home then it became Washington’s real home. Washington did not complete his education, he studied his education at home. He just learned arithmetics, geography, English, and
Latin during the ages of 7 to 15. Then when he was just 16 years old he became a farmer and worked on farm because Lawerence had affected with tuberculose and died in 1752 so he had to work for improving of his dearest home town and plantation. Therefore Washington was holder of plantation and worked as a surveyor. In 1752 George Washington married a widow Martha
Dandridge Custis while she had two children but it was a love marriage. George Washington worked hard during his life at different positions. George Washington kept away for a long time from his farm to serve for his beloved people and
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Later on this battle named
Revolutionary War. So Washington had the main position in the American Revolution. George
Washington revolution began in 1767 against Britain. During the revolution Washington had 29 battles which won 9 of them because at the first during the wars, he and his army did not have enough supply and the fights were very threating. While Washington who was the leader he did not have enough skill to fight. Even though he lost many of battles but he never gave uo and always encouraged his army for going forward. George Washington was responsible for three roles during the revolution. The first responsibility was giving the leadership soldiers. Secondly he was responsible with operation and training of the soldiers. That time the military was under the direction of congress to getting supplies but by the force of Washington on July, 1777 a committee started by the name of Board of War which all the members of military was include of that committee. Eventually Washington could find powerful and talented officers, such as ;
General Nathunuel Greene, General Daniel Morgan who was in the French and Indian