Harriet Tubman Research Paper

Words: 1388
Pages: 6

In a small village in Dorchester County, Maryland, a prominent leader in history, Araminta Ross, was born, or as history may know her, Harriet Tubman. Her family consisted of her parents, Harriet Green Ross and Benjamin Ross. Harriet was one of nine children. Tubman was born into a slave family and her family belonged to Edward Brodess, an owner of many slaves and a plantation farm. The plantation farm was small with a few livestock so it did not accommodate Broadess to employ all his slaves to his farm; so his slaves were instead hired out to neighboring farmers. In such a way that Edward Brodess ended up separating the family with Benjamin, Harriet’s dad staying behind and her mom, siblings and herself ended up on a different farm in Bucktown, …show more content…
It is cruel to comprehend that slave owners' ultimate goal was to separate families because a family can have absolutely nothing but as long as they are together anything is worth fighting for. Although Harriet was a young child, it did not take her long to realize that she was not a free one. At the age of six, Harriet was hired out and separated from her mother and siblings to work as a childcare worker for a long period of time. However, one day Tubman ended up with a high fever that was an inconvenience for slave owners so she was brought back to her mother. Harriet continued working as a slave with continuous beatings that lead to breaking her health, but not her spirit. As years go on, at the age of thirteen, an event happened that would scare Tubman for the rest of her life. She was hit in the back of the head with a two pound weight that fractured her skull and put her in a life or death situation (Dawson, 2022). This occurrence all happened because she was at the wrong place, at the wrong time. After an enslaved person attempted to escape and their enslaver became desperate in capturing them, they threw a two pound weight that hit