Harriet Tubman Research Paper

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Pages: 4

Harriet Tubman: A Badass Human http://www.math.buffalo.edu/~sww/0history/hwny-tubman.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ85z9vggYM http://www.history.com/topics/black-history/harriet-tubman “I could have saved more if only I could convince the others that they were slaves.”

1822 Araminta Ross (later Harriet Tubman) was born into slavery in Maryland. Both of her parents were African and they created a truly bad-ass woman. You can't be a pansy in Africa, you have to be a strong, intelligent and courageous. These characteristics were prominent in Harriet and needed to do what she would do later.
Harriet started work at age 6 and was beaten regularly. At age 12 she suffered a horrible head injury. A slave owner threw a metal weight at another
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He was an asshole. Harriet wanted them to move North so she wouldn't have to worry about being sold into slavery.
John didn’t care, he liked living in the South and told her they were staying there. She said that she would go North without his uncaring ass. He told her he would tell her master.
This did repress her for several years until in 1849 when she said screw it and left to
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It stated that if anyone finds an escaped slave then they must report this or be fined "$1,000". On her 3rd trip to gather more slaves she went to get her husband John but he had already replaced her. Screw him then she brought even more "passengers" up North. She led them to a safe house of an amazing man, Fredrick Douglass. He saved up enough money to get them into Canada, where they'd be safe.
Harriet had freed so many people that she had a bounty of $40,000 for her capture.
They had to cross over Niagara Falls to get the passengers into Canada, on a handmade suspension bridge! That would be terrifying, but living as a slave would be much worse.

Despite a bounty on her head, she made 11 trips into Canada from 1852-1857. Crossing that rickety bridge high above the roaring waters would scare even the bravest of men. On one trip a passenger panicked and wanted to go back to slavery. Harriet was not having that!
She knew he would be tortured until he told about them about the Underground Railroad. That shit wasn't happening on her watch. She took him to the side, pressed the cold barrel of a gun against his head and said "Dead folks tell no tales". He probably peed a little, then scampered on over the