While some do it solely for money others do it for personal satisfaction (Kuczynski 2008). While some curiosity was answered, some new questions remain unanswered in regards to parental rights. Also, legal repercussions a surrogate woman could face if causing harm to the fetus, resulting in the child being born with a defect. Thankfully the procedure was a success and worked out for all parties. The fact the donor seconded guessed herself after “Milk Dud” was born only furthers support a favoring against surrogacy. France high court could not have said it any better “the human body is not lent out, is not rented out, and is not sold.” (Stafford University 2008) As America continues to disagree over healthcare, religious values and other human rights issues is proof that we as a nation are not ready to handle another highly controversial issue. We have seen by other nations that surrogacy is not a good choice. The negative proven facts associated with surrogacy is very evident that this options of having a child is not good and needs to stop