In A Zombie Apocalypse

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Pages: 10

The clock strikes six a.m. and the world wakes up, eats breakfast, sees their family, goes to work, does their jobs and lives their lives day after day in this routine until one day,–the world is changed forever. Office buildings stand abandoned, homes are empty, and schools are no longer filled with children. Instead of laughter filling the air, the screams of those running for their lives can be heard as they face a new enemy humankind has not prepared for–the zombie. This outbreak of the undead causes the globe to change completely. On the citizen level families are torn apart, people are missing, and school and work no longer are a top priority. On a national and global scale, there are factors the international community must take into …show more content…
They have already been struggling and fighting for their existence in the global community and now they are faced with ultimate destruction. In these countries where there is a denser population within cramped cities, the disease will spread fast causing the population to decrease and the zombies to take over. The hegemon will want to secure the area and “ a containment strategy would no doubt be proposed as a means of limiting the territorial expansion of the undead” (Drezner International 40). If this state is completely taken over because it is weaker and becomes overrun with zombies, then they will begin to spread to other states. At this point the hegemon and the states that have been able to survive must make a crucial decision that will determine their fate and their role in the international community. Hegemony can mean many different things but a “cultural hegemony in particular is defined as a strategy of the ruling class to perpetuate domination through consensus instead of force” (Hegemony 622). Drezner said the state with the most power to combat these zombies, will have to have the most armed forces as well. They must decide if they will help the weaker states to survive or leave them to face the apocalypse alone. If they have decided to help states and it seems as if it …show more content…
If a zombie outbreak were to occur, the United States would most likely have a plan and try to secure them, surrounding countries, and then send their aid to the countries who need it the most. When it comes to enemy countries, this poses another question. The hegemon and other states can decide to help them for the good of the global community and the existence of mankind itself, or they can choose to let them become a zombie state. States could benefit from the defeat of other enemy states, but if they do this they are eliminating parts of mankind and giving the zombies a chance to increase. Ultimately when this occurs a “state makes a commitment to a course of action when it creates a subjective belief on the part of others that it will carry through with a certain course of action” (Gaubatz 109). From then they must make the decision to continue to face each other and zombies or to face the zombies together as one. Most states will most likely want to combat the zombies first, but some will not and will seek to attack states during this time of weakness. When looking at these different scenarios one must see that the way states react will determine the existence of