Zombie Apocalypse Research Paper

Words: 621
Pages: 3

If or any of your friends have ever been in a zombie apocalypse, then you are probably out of your mind. Because that has never happened before. At least not from what I have heard anyway. But if you are not completely insane in the membrane, and have ideas of what you are going to do if a zombie apocalypse ever tends to happen, then hears another idea.

What I would do is, I live by a hardware store with a bunch of tools in it and stuff like that. But it does not have any food once so ever. So if you live by a hardware store, go there. But since it does not have any food, go to some sort of grocery store and get all the food your car can hold. The most important things that are needed during a zombie apocalypse is water so dehydration is impossible, another resource needed is canned goods. The reason these are needed, is because they don’t expire for a
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Another useful item during anytime I guess, is clothes. I think it is known to everyone on why clothes are needed. Especially during a zombie apocalypse. The last thing needed is medicine. So able to fix up any wounds. The reason I am saying this, is because first of all it is good for you and you need to stay healthy during a zombie apocalypse. Even if you are not in a zombie apocalypse, stay healthy. Second of all, zombies are like sharks, when they see or smell blood they go towards it. While gathering all of these things, make sure you have at least a couple of friends or a team of some sort that have your back. Because there will be people trying to take anything that they do not have, but want. Another thing, this has nothing to do with medicine, but do NOT make any noise. The reasoning for this is because zombies are very highly attracted to noise. So just don’t make too much noise. Then go back to the