Zombie Apocalypse Research Paper

Words: 615
Pages: 3

The scariest metaphor that zombies can be seen as is humanity becoming too engaged with technology, especially mobile devices. Zombies are brainless, and often aimless dead people walking around everywhere. The zombies do not posses any original thought, only the desire for flesh. They slightly resemble people walking around, staring at their phones. A fear many people have is that we will become nothing more than single thought beings. Now, more than ever, social interaction is declining solely due to the fact that cell phones, laptops, consoles, tablets, and televisions are an easier alternative to social awkwardness. Most humans in first world countries simply lack the ability to start and maintain a conversation in person. Some conversations …show more content…
Also, with the growing use of cell phones, we don’t need to try as hard to get things we want, which makes us more incompetent and lazier. If we need information, we just google it, and then that information leaves our mind. Humans do not remember as much information as we previously did. It is a great thing that we have so much information at our fingertips, but I think it would be better to actually learn the knowledge. With the advancement of social media, we know a ton about other people. We can learn their birthday, where they go to school, where they work, and even who their best friends are. Instead of speaking to a person to get to know them, we stalk them on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and many more social media apps. I use Snapchat a lot, and realize that it actually takes the fun out of flirting with someone. Snapchat makes it okay not to make an effort to go on a date and see someone, just because you can send a picture and see someone. Instagram, arguably the most popular social media app, makes people think that their popularity or how attractive they are is determined by the number of likes they get on a