Zombie Apocalypse Research Paper

Words: 497
Pages: 2

If a zombie apocalypse was ever to occur you would take these following steps to survive. get weapons, get food and supplies, find a secure place to stay, and finally unite with people. These steps are important and I’m going to start off by explaining why you need weapons. well first you need weapons because anything can happen from getting trapped in a corner by zombies to going to a local store to get food and there’s other people in there fighting over food and that puts you in a situation we’re if they was to start shooting you would have to fire back while without a gun you would have to run and find shelter. Some weapons you would need are Ak forty- seven, twelve gauge shotgun, and melee weapons as of swords, knives, and axes. the reason …show more content…
So you would pull out your sword or knife whichever and would sneak up on the zombie from the behind so they wouldn’t attract other zombies and put the sword right through the brain silently killing them and get whatever you need. Most importantly after you have your weapons you would get food and supplies. the reason why because you know one wants to starve to death and we are humans and have to eat and have to stay strong to fight off the zombies. So you would go to a local market and get food and supplies first you would make sure the store is cleared out and safe than after it’s all clear you would go in and get supplies such as canned goods, peanut butter, nuts, beef jerky, fruits and vegetables, and granola bars. You need this because a lot of this will keep you going and make your strong and healthy and to stay fighting the zombies. Another step would be to unite with the right people the reason why is because if you unite with the right people they will always have your back from fighting a horde of zombies to having a firefight with other scavengers. To building a fortress so nobody could get In only the people in the group. Other reason having people is good because you do not have to talk to yourself and if your having problems there by your side trying to help you