Fictional works based on the Vodou belief that originated in Haiti are known as zombies. Zombies: Resurrected corpses with superhuman traits like strength and speed are known as zombies. These creatures are speech-deaf and mindless individuals. They have an overpowering desire for human flesh. Zombie bites are spread by oral contact. Similar to rabies, the virus infects a person with a bite to the flesh. The human nervous system, brain, and physical appearance are all impacted by the zombie virus but, Rabies is a virus that is fatal and can be transmitted through broken tissue from an infected animal. It cannot spread from person to person. …show more content…
As a non-living entity, a virus has no makeup of cells and is incapable of self-multiplication. Viruses replicate and spread using a host, which is an existing thing. The flu, chicken pox, pneumonia, and meningitis are typical examples of viruses. Parasites and viruses are alike in this way. Parasites are organisms that live inside hosts and feed on hosts. Parasites cause diseases, as do viruses. The main difference between parasites and viruses is the fact that parasites are living because parasites follow homeostasis and viruses do not. Roundworms, tapeworms, lice, and ticks are common representatives of