Zombie Apocalypse Research Paper

Words: 456
Pages: 2

Should we kill zombies without feeling bad. These villains can kill a person in a matter of time. Should we feel bad for killing zombies in games. No One should feel bad for killing zombies, because they are the villains, and they would never come to be real. We shouldn’t feel bad for killing zombies because they are the bad villains in the games.
The zombie in the game is the villain. They will eat you in the game. The next step is cardiac arrest occurs within two to three hours as blood flow, breathing, metabolism and body temperature plummet to almost nothing.They will die by at least if they don’t get the vaccine. The final step is when the zombies awaken from their comas in a catatonic state they are unresponsive to most stimuli as they shuffle about trying to locate human flesh unlike vampires there is no acclimation period: zombies will begin
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The zombies wouldn’t have a house to stay in and they would be in the cold or hot air and would die from it. Their already dead. Zombies can’t heal themselves from the pain and shots inside them.You shouldn’t feel bad for killing them. They are the villains in are eyes they are the people who will stop us from living on, but you could feel bad because it could be someone close to you. You could feel bad because they could be your family. Anyone would feel bad for killing their family even if they are already dead. It would be putting them out of there misery. You would feel bad at first for killing people, but it’s kill or be killed so i would want to survive. You would really feel bad if the person you love was bit by the zombie next to your lover and they start coming after you. If you would kill them it would put them out of all there suffering and they would get to go to heaven. No one shouldn’t feel bad for killing zombies because it would make it where you would be able to live