Zombie Apocalypse Narrative

Words: 1079
Pages: 5

I was locked in some sort of metal chamber. It wasn't made of glass, that was for sure because I couldn't see through it, but it wasn't rubber because it hurt when I punched it. I cried out. I thought walls were closing in on me, but then I realize it was just my imagination. I screamed some more pounding on the chamber. Then the roof to the chamber opened up and I began to move up. When I arrived at the top I looked around. I saw a bunch of blank faces staring back at me. There eyes nothing more than empty sockets. Then hands reached out in an inhuman like manner. My first thought, "Oh no I'm the first victim of a zombie apocalypse!" then I felt something tickled my legs. I looked down to see a full fledge fire going on below me. I screamed out in horror. Normally fire didn't bother me, but this did. Then I heard a voice," How sad the warrior is killed by her own weapon." but I didn't not see what blank face creature said it. I screamed again as the flames spread across my body. Finally they engulfed my head. All hope was lost... …show more content…
I cried out in surprise that was the third day in a row when I have awoke because of a nightmare. It was a reoccurring thing for me, but never had it been this common. I had no idea why I was suddenly having these nightmares so frequently. Also normally they ranged from drowning, to freezing to death, to being shot, but these past nights they been of one thing,