Jung Typology Test

Words: 1615
Pages: 7

It is often said that variety is the spice of life. Nowhere is this truer than in the workplace, where people of diverse backgrounds have to work together in teams to achieve a common goal. I have come to the understanding that for one to be an effective team player, they need to understand their own personality just as much as they understand those of their colleagues. Furthermore, I am a Librarian and usually interact with diverse students and co-workers. In this paper, I discuss the results of my personality test and how it has affected these interactions.
Based on the Jung Typology Test, one of the personalities that characterize me is being introverted at a slight 19%. Individuals with this personality tend
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An example is the insight that the personality is associated with people who value order, neatness and peace at the workplace. Despite an introvert may sometimes hide inside their cocoon thus preventing them from actively participating in workplace discussions. There are occasions at my workplace such as when discussing new ways of managing the library where I find myself drifting away in my own thoughts before sharing them. With this understanding, I will strive to utilize these attributes to enhance cohesion and drive performance at my …show more content…
Although I have a tendency to judge things and even people depending on how orderly or organized they are, I did not expect it to have such a large sway. I have, however, found this to be one of my most important attributes especially with regard to my nature of work. As a librarian, I cherish order and following of proper guidelines. This ensures that all the books and other items in the library can be easily accessed and managed (Bauer & Erdogan, 2015). It has, hence, allowed me to maintain a strict organizational structure regardless of the volumes of books involved. However, this attribute also comes with its drawbacks. Chief among these is that I sometimes might be perceived to be imposing my convictions especially with regard to order upon others. They might therefore feel judged even though that was never the intention. In the course of my career, I have worked tirelessly to find a way of striking the right balance so as to ensure that I stand by my values or principles without letting other people feel left