Altogether, these preferences form the personality type of an ENTJ, also referred to as “The Executive” (BSM Consulting, Inc., 2015). Researching further, I discovered that, according to Keirsey’s Four Temperaments, I belong to the group of personalities called “the Rationals” where my primary life objective is “Knowledge Seeking” (BSM Consulting, Inc., 2015).
Extraversion and Introversion
The Test results showed that I have a slight 22% preference of extraversion above introversion. From a mathematical viewpoint, I understand this to mean that about 6 out of every 10 times I will take action in the outside world rather than inside my own thoughts. This shows that, though I am naturally extraverted, there are a number of occasions where I will act in a more reserved fashion. For example, if I am at the grocery store and spot a familiar face my immediate reaction is to at least say, “Hello”, if not follow up with, “How’s it going?” On the other hand, if I find myself in a group of people that I have not met before I tend to shy away from immediate conversation and do more listening in order to acquire a better understanding of what the group is about. This type of dynamic …show more content…
Agreeing with statements found on like, “When we are Intuitive we: Come up with a new way of doing things; Think about the future implications for a current action...See the big picture” (BSM Consulting, Inc., 2015), allows me to validate this preference