Jung Typology Test Paper

Words: 1451
Pages: 6

The contents of this paper summarizes the results of the Jung Typology Test, taken by myself, that identified my personality type as ENTJ. This type is also referred to as a natural born leader. Also, this paper will briefly touch on Keirsey’s Temperaments and describe how my group of NT’s, labeled as “the Rationalists”, might seek logical explanation when dealing with their aspects of worldview. By analyzing each letter of my personality type, I will determine the validity in the Jung Typology Test results by discussing prior events in my work and personal life. Each event will either align with or contradict the test’s outcome. I will also be using the book Type Talk at Work as a guideline for discussing my research in the area of typewatching, …show more content…
Altogether, these preferences form the personality type of an ENTJ, also referred to as “The Executive” (BSM Consulting, Inc., 2015). Researching further, I discovered that, according to Keirsey’s Four Temperaments, I belong to the group of personalities called “the Rationals” where my primary life objective is “Knowledge Seeking” (BSM Consulting, Inc., 2015).
Extraversion and Introversion
The Test results showed that I have a slight 22% preference of extraversion above introversion. From a mathematical viewpoint, I understand this to mean that about 6 out of every 10 times I will take action in the outside world rather than inside my own thoughts. This shows that, though I am naturally extraverted, there are a number of occasions where I will act in a more reserved fashion. For example, if I am at the grocery store and spot a familiar face my immediate reaction is to at least say, “Hello”, if not follow up with, “How’s it going?” On the other hand, if I find myself in a group of people that I have not met before I tend to shy away from immediate conversation and do more listening in order to acquire a better understanding of what the group is about. This type of dynamic
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Agreeing with statements found on PersonalityPage.com like, “When we are Intuitive we: Come up with a new way of doing things; Think about the future implications for a current action...See the big picture” (BSM Consulting, Inc., 2015), allows me to validate this preference