Later School Start Later Research Paper

Words: 723
Pages: 3

Have you ever wondered what would happen if school started later? You may have time to finish that project due tomorrow that you neglected for three weeks. You could have a nice, long, hot shower. There are so many things that a late start time can affect whether it's good like sleeping in late or bad like getting out of school late. In this essay, you will learn the positive and negative effects of a later school start time.

To begin, sleep deprivation among teenagers is a serious issue that can harm their lives. According to Ruthann Richter's article, "Among teens, sleep deprivation is an epidemic," teens who don't get enough sleep are more likely to suffer from various negative consequences. By starting school later, we can help reduce the likelihood of these consequences occurring. The article states that “over 87% of high school students get less than the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep”, which can lead to learning difficulties and other problems. By giving students a chance to get the recommended amount of sleep, they will be better prepared to learn and succeed in school.
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According to Kealey Bultena's article, "Study: Later School Start Would Benefit Economy," starting school later could also benefit the economy. “The RAND Corporation estimates that by starting school at 8:30 a.m. or later, we could add $8.6 billion to the economy within two years.” This money could be used to fund important programs and initiatives that benefit everyone. Additionally, students “who perform well in school are more likely to get good jobs and earn higher incomes,” which will benefit the economy in the long