But, even with these opportunities there is one threat that can derail me. Myself more specifically pride; both a weakness and a strength. When I accomplish a feat my pride helps build up my self-confidence. But, it prevents me from seeking aid from people. As a result, there have been some cases where I have come up short. Only to realize had I’ve abandoned my pride the results would’ve been different. Up until now, I’ve never set up a personal goal due to the fact that part of me was still a mystery. Originally, the goal was to graduate pharmacy school to become a pharmacist. But, that’s a goal that every pharmacy student share. I needed something more specific. The survey I completed help me choose a more specific goal. That goal is to solely become a consulting pharmacist, going to different hospitals, clinics, long term care facilities/nursing facilities etc... talking to patient with the purpose to educate them on their medications and eliminate any unnecessary medications. To become a consultant pharmacist, I see that it will take me 4 to 6 years after graduation. Reason being is that a consultant pharmacist should have a vast understanding on medications and their different