Letter To Police Brutality

Words: 589
Pages: 3

Dear President Joe Biden.

Hello, my name is Rodrigo and I am 13 years old. I was born in the U.S.A. and live in Saline, MI, but the rest of my family was born in Brazil. I bet you have seen a cop use unreasonable force to take down a person of color. The topic I am going to talk about in this letter is police brutality. I care about this topic because I hate to see innocent people get hurt and sometimes killed just because of where they're from or their skin color. Police brutality is when the police officer uses unnecessary force on a citizen. This happens because the police officer(s) don’t agree with someone else’s culture, and are normally racially motivated. Most of the time, the person getting assaulted by the officer(s) is doing what
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According to police violence report in the article titled “2023 Police Violence Report”, most killings began with police responding to suspected non-violent offenses or cases where no crime was reported. 109 people were killed after police stopped them for a traffic violation. From this evidence, I can infer that the people being killed and even more hurt for a routine car stop. Then, they are being hurt just because of their skin color because the cop doesn’t like the victim culture. This is important because if the person was white, they might just get a ticket or a warning. Furthermore, most people who are affected by this injustice are minority groups because of their culture, ideas, and skin color. According to Britannica.com, in the article titled “police brutality in the United States” it says, police brutality has most often been directed against the poor and working classes and minorities, including Hispanics, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and especially African Americans. This evidence proves my second subclaim because as stated in the evidence, the people being affected most by cops are poor, Hispanic, Muslim, LGBTQ, and an emphasis on African Americans. This is important because these are all minority groups so how does a minority group get assaulted