Introductory Speech
TOPIC: Laila Bravo
SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To introduce Laila Bravo
THEMATIC STATEMENT: When I sit behind the wheel I grow, I strive, I live.
“Many roads to NY City” someone once said this to me when helping me understand that life is like taking different roads to arrive to your destination. There’s no right or wrong way to getting there. My roads are of personal growth with daily learning, many short weekend getaways to different towns, beach’s and the experiences of parenting. When I sit behind the wheel I grow, I strive, I live.
I haven’t had many cars, but car #2 Mirage 99 routed with me for many years, 10 to be exact. Our rides were of short weekend getaways to different towns in the eastern part of the US. I have been to the Cape, Vermont where we stayed in a cabin and snowmobiled, Virginia Beach, Orchard beach, and Sherwood Island. I’ve Adventured through New York City and strolled on the strip of Atlantic City on few occasions. Then in 2010 my Mirage just died, without cause said the mechanics after being diagnosed.
At which point I was blessed with a 2003 Corolla and this car took me on roads of personal growth, becoming an active learner by reading books, parenting magazines and relying on the internet to research all I learned. One of my favorite books is Honors Reward by John Bevere
Now when I drive I am more cautious of the roads I choose since I have a 2 year old daughter looking up at my every