Mission Command Research Paper

Words: 509
Pages: 3

Subject: The Triad of Mission Command: Trust, Talent & Technology

1. Purpose. To identify and discuss critical components in implementing and executing the Mission Command (MC) Warfighting philosophy.

2. Key Points.

a. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has challenged all services to implement a MC Warfighting philosophy by 2020.

b. MC calls for a decentralized, independent junior-level decision-making approach with an understanding of the commander’s intent.

c. MC requires the proper management of trust, talent and technology.
3. Discussion.
Talent, and more specifically, talent management, is critical to the effectiveness of any organization. The military services need to harness talent to execute the strategy
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Trust serves as the control center, or nucleus, for MC. To instill trust means to accept the possibility that mistakes will be made on and off the battlefield when executing a MC Warfighting strategy. However, the military struggles with accepting any level of errors and failures. A mentality that supports zero tolerance of failures has been pervasive within the military for decades.

Technology supports the execution of MC more today than ever before. It provides young leaders with essential data and resources to inform decision-making. Commanders also have benefited from real-time battlefield reports, which provide situational awareness of assets and actions undertaken. The advancement in technology during the past decade has been profound, and its integration into today’s operations has been equally dramatic. The ever-changing nature of technology has presented new challenges in trust in the information being provided and its role in the decision-making process.

4. Recommendation. The below recommendations address issues related to talent, trust and technology in order to enhance the education, training, and application of